Employee recognition stories and insights. 

Culture Eliza Culture Eliza

3 simple steps to improve culture.

Company culture can inspire exceptional efforts or leave employees unmotivated and uninspired. While it is easy to think that employee culture is some kind of social phenomena driven by your employees – it is not. Here are the simple things your leaders can do each day to foster a culture of engagement.

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HR Eliza HR Eliza

INFOGRAPHIC // Simple ways to up your EX game.

Improving your employee experience will get you ahead of the game when it comes to attracting and retaining the best talent. It will also boost your customer experience. Here is out guide to the ‘in’ and the ‘out’ of employee experience and what your employees are really looking for.

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Wellbeing Eliza Wellbeing Eliza

What really makes us happy?

A recent global study reveals that while different salaries bring day-to-day happiness, earning more does not necessarily improve your emotional wellbeing. If it’s not money, what is it that really makes us happy at work?

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